We understand that joining a church is a big step! Especially if you're new to the Christian faith and have never been part of a church before. At the same time, church membership is important: followers of Christ have the responsibility (and privilege) of belonging to his people.
People come to faith from a wide variety of personal backgrounds. Some were brought up in the church—while others have never set foot in one. And even if you've been a Christian for a long time, it may be that you've never been part of a Presbyterian church.
A class to get oriented
That's why New Hope’s Pastors periodically offer an orientation class to introduce our congregation to anyone who's interested. The class meets for six weeks or so on Sunday evenings. We take a look at the questions that make up the membership covenant of our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America, and consider what it would mean to live out that life of faith here at New Hope. We'll put a notice in our bulletin on Sunday morning whenever a class has been organized and is about to get started, or contact us (
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