
New Hope's extended church family
The Presbyterian Church in AmericaOur denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), provides an online directory of all its member churches. There you can find the names, locations, and contact information of all PCA churches throughout the US and Canada.
Related denominations
If you're traveling or moving to a community that doesn't currently have a PCA church, here are like-minded denominations (fellow members of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council, or NAPARC) that provide online directories of their own:
- Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
- Canadian and American Reformed Churches
- Free Reformed Churches of North America
- Heritage Reformed Congregations
- Orthodox Presbyterian Church
- Reformed Church in the U.S.
- Reformed Church of Québec
- Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America
- United Reformed Churches in North America

Websites worth a look
Here are some other websites worth exploring if you're looking to learn more about the Christian faith or keep up with current events in the church:- Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
- Banner of Truth
- byFaith (the online magazine of the Presbyterian Church in America)
- Chaim: A Reformed Ministry to Jewish People
- Christianity Explored
- Covenant Theological Seminary
- Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service
- The Good Book Company
- Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
- The Jonathan Edwards Center, Yale University
- Ligonier Ministries
- Mars Hill Audio
- Monergism
- Peacemaker Ministries
- Potomac Presbytery
- The Presbyterian Bookshop
- Presbyterian Church in America
- Presbyterian Church in America Foundation (financial services to help Christians fulfill their stewardship responsibilities)
- Presbyterian Church in America Book of Church Order
- Presbyterian Church in America Historical Center
- Reformation 21 (the online magazine of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals)
- Reformed Theological Seminary
- United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
- United States Department of State: Office of International Religious Freedom
- Westminster Assembly Project
- Westminster Confession of Faith
- Westminster Theological Seminary
- Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore
- World Magazine